Blog Copywriting

Are your blog copywriting efforts frustrating you?

  • Is blog copywriting not your forte?
  • Is maintaining your blog one big drag?
  • Is being consistent with updating your blog with content ad-hoc?
  • Are you struggling to come with ideas for your blog copywriting?
  • Are you writing some blog articles, sometimes, somewhere and you’re hearing crickets?

Let’s fix these problems – I’ll do your blog copywriting for you

I’ve been writing blog articles since 2005. Check out my style on this site.

I’ll sit down with you, getting an understanding of your business, work out your ideal customer and then create entertaining, highly engaging blog copywriting for your website, newsletters or blog that encourages:

  • More website/blog visitors
  • Builds relationships with prospects, leading them to becoming customers
  • More share to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social media platforms
  • Prospects to become customers
  • Customers to become raging advocates

What blog copywriting works – yes I know what blog articles work

Keeping up with blog copywriting trends is crucial for your business. What was good in 2010, is not relevant today.

Back then blog articles of around 250 – 500 words were sufficient to rank well.

Not any more.

Google readers are demanding longer articles. Articles that truly answer their questions. They only want blog articles that solve their problem and that they don’t have to continually search more content to get their answers.

I understand this:

  • By adopting a ‘they ask, you answer’ approach to my blog copywriting
  • By carefully researching the keywords customers are looking for
  • By going beyond keyword research and adopting the ‘alphabet soup’ method for ideas
  • By creating a customer avatar so I understand what makes your customers tick
  • By providing ‘response style 1000 word articles
  • By providing ‘stellar style’ 200- -2500 words articles
  • By providing ‘pillar style 3500 + word articles

Can I do blog copywriting for your industry?

  • Real estate companies
  • Business Coaches
  • Real estate agencies
  • Hot air – balloon companies
  • Basement renovation companies
  • Fiction authors
  • Real estate agents
  • Medical insurance

What should we do next?

If you want to get more visitors to your blog, build relationships with reading and hopefully convert them into regular paying customers, let’s Book A Call or Contact Me



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