Blog Article Successes

Great Articles Create Great Google Rankings

There’s no doubt about it. If you want to rank well on Google for a search term, you need to have great content.

What Is Great Content?

  • Content must answer questions readers are looking for
    And that means answering ALL the question. Readers don’t want to search another 5 or 6 articles to get the answer they are seeking. If you give them the answer in your article they will not move onto anybody else’s work.Google will see that your article is the best source of information and will move you up the ladder.
  • Bigger is better
    Three hundred – five hundred word articles used to rank well. Today your article will need to be at least 1,000 words, most likely 1500 or 2000 words +

What style of articles rank best?

As mentioned above, articles that answer an enquirey fully. We’ve found that articles that:

  • Discuss cost of a product or service
  • Are problem solving
  • Compare products or services
  • Are ‘best of ‘lists
  • Are about product or service reviews

attract the most traffic.

What does a good article do for you Google traffic?

Quite simply a google article will drive more traffic to your website/blog; thereby driving your blog up the Google rankings

How long does it take to rank on Google page one?

Typically it’ll take at around 6 months but you could get lucky an do it in 3 months. The articles below performed better than the norm by hitting page one of Google for their search term in 1 – 2 months.

What is the benefit of a good article for your Google ranking? You make more money.

Great articles will get you great rankings on Google. Depending on the product or service you your offer the financial rewards could be enormous. Real estate agents like the firm below might earn an extra $15,000 every time a lead from an article converts into a sale. The article cost is insignificant to the value it may bring.

Here’s some examples of my article writing.

First National Hills Direct

 Articles Performance– November – December 2019

  #2 Google Search – Selling Your Home In The Hills District 11/19

Google Page One Spring Property Checklist – image

#4 Google- Spring Property Checklist For Kellyville Homes– 11/19

#1 Google- Spring Property Checklist For Kellyville Homes– 01/20 


#1 Google – What’s a Buyers’ Market in the Hills District – 12/19

Want great blog articles written for you? Book A Call.

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