We're Bring Sexy Emails Back, Yeah! If the words sexy emails have got you a little hot n bothered, clammy hands and you've opted for a dark quiet corner while wearing an overcoat to read...
Posts by Greg Reed
6 Reasons Why Nobody Is Reading Your Emails And How To Fix It
Why Nobody Is Reading Your Emails And How To Get Over Yourself Emails, emails, emails! You're writing emails but it seems that nobody is listening to you. Inside each well crafted email message...
Or An Email Sequence Cheat Sheet That'll Make You Sound Like A Pro An email sequence can be crafted to achieve different outcomes for any business. Whether you are trying to build relationships with...
Writing a headline seems simple but it is the most underrated task when writing any piece of content. For the amateur it's usually the quickest piece of writing they do, often left to last and...
A welcome email creates a first impression with a new customer. Done poorly and that new customer, the one you've spent your hard earned cash on to acquire, is looking for the unsubscribe...