3 Must Do Tips For Writing A Headline

Writing a headline seems simple but it is the most underrated task when writing any piece of content. For the amateur it’s usually the quickest piece of writing they do, often left to last and delivered without much thought.

Big mistake!

If you’ve already grabbed my 101 Headlines That Crush It, you’ll know that headlines or attention grabbers as they can be referred to are advertisements within an advertisement. Think of today’s news headlines. If they didn’t get your attention you wouldn’t have read the rest of the article.

Even if you have the ‘world’s greatest offer’, nobody will discover it unless you have an eye pulling, must read further, cracking headline. The pros know this.

The best copywriters in the world know that in order to achieve their writing objectives they need an article title that will spellbound their reader. It’s not unusual for a professional writer to spend hours split testing headlines to achieve the maximum effect. The right catchy title can boost an open rate by 300% of more.

So how do you write a headline. I cover that in the book but let’s look at three things you should avoid:

Mistake #1 – Using Your Name

You may think your name or business name is the most important few words on the planet but the general public will most likely disagree. Using your name in a headline won’t draw attention to an article unless you’re Donald Trump, the Queen or Mick Jagger. And I’m guessing none of these three are reading my article……..yet. For the rest of us, don’t do it.

Mistake #2 – Not Having A Headline

What! Are you crazy? Never ever, ever write a piece of anything unless you have a headline. A good headline will get your message read; a catchy headline will almost 100% guarantee it.

Mistake #3 – “Headlines With Quotation Marks Is Bad English”

Sorry professor we are not writing for you or your literary mates. Headlines with quotation marks are known to increase open rates. Yep that’s a fact. Try it out. Test it. Use this concept occasionally to mix up your attention grabbing headlines.

Start with these three mistakes you must avoid when next writing a headline. But if you need more headline examples, want to know how to write a headline, get a list of catchy newsletter titles or best blog titles, grab a free copy of 101 Headlines That Crush It today

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