A good email open rate are vital for your business if it relies on sales. Having your customers read an email and act upon it can improve dramatically if you adopt these 27 hacks that are evergreen...
Category: Email Marketing
When to send an email is influenced by the style of email, its recipient and their location. But there are a few key strategies that will greatly improve when an email is opened at a certain time or...
Email marketing headlines are even more important. It doesn’t matter how great the email is, even if it contains life changing information- without a good headline, it simply won’t be read.
Email marketing do's and don'ts list will show the email marketer what's required to achieve the best outcome. We need to be very careful about the content, style, and design of the emails before...
Email marketing cost - it's variable. Your distribution provider, content creation, type of email campaigns and the consistency of providing high quality information via email have to be taken into...
The term includes any email communication from a business to a customer, but a more specific email marketing definition is delivering a commercial email message to a group of customers (or potential...